If you aren't familiar with Todd Akin, take a moment to Google him.
And here is my response:
Dear Mr. Akin,
It is my understanding, based on your national statement, that you believe abortion should be completely illegal, even to rape victims. You also said, and I quote, “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”
Really, sir?
My first question is: what exactly do you consider to be "a legitimate rape?" Legitimate, as opposed to what other kind of rape? The definition of "rape" as found in Webster's Dictionary is "The crime of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with {them}, especially by the threat or use of violence." Now, please explain to me how there can be any kind of rape other than legitimate, based on that definition. If there is no threat involved, and the intercourse occurs, that's not rape. That's consensual sex. I don't see how there can be any other kind of rape. I find that statement ridiculous on its own.
My next question is: would you care to scientifically, and factually, explain to me how my female reproductive system can stop my rapist's sperm from separating from his semen and swimming up to my uterus? I apologize for painting the visual, but I'm trying to understand what you're insinuating. From your statement, it seems to me that you believe my uterus can reject semen. Well, Mr. Akin, if that were the case, I wouldn't need birth control, would I? Birth control was designed and created to kill sperm and keep them from attaching to the female egg. Or were you not aware of how babies are made?
The uterus cannot think. It doesn't know which sperm are good and which are evil. It has no control over man's "little swimmers." If you can prove me wrong with factual evidence, please do so. I can admit when I'm wrong, but I think I have a pretty good understanding of how the ol' Bull Head works down there.
The government should have zero say or input as to whether or not a woman carries out a pregnancy to full term. It is her body, her life, and her decision. It's not up to me to decide if my best friend or sister should carry out her pregnancy or terminate it. It's not going to be me caring for the child, or making the decision to keep it or give it up for adoption. If it's not my body or my pregnancy, I should have zero input. If you want to ban abortion because you think it's taking a life, why not put a ban on eating meat? Innocent animals are killed for human consumption. A lot of animal lives are taken by humans. Why not make that illegal too, eh?
Mr. Akin, you crossed a serious line making factually incorrect statements on National television. I respect that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, a man in your position should be a little more careful about how he chooses to speak those opinions to the public.
My final question, Mr. Akin, is how would you feel if one of your daughters came home pregnant, as a result of rape? What if the court system deemed her rape "illegitimate," based on YOUR definition of "legitimate rape?" What if your daughter had no means to provide for her unborn child, no medical insurance to be able to get prenatal care and keep her and the child healthy? What then?
No woman should have to go through a traumatic experience such as rape, and then be legally forced to carry out pregnancy for 9+ months. The physical pain and trauma is enough, but the emotional suffering a woman experiences as a result of that type of situation is one that you could only hope your daughters never, ever have to go through.
You should be ashamed of yourself. I know you issued an apology, but a rapist's apology the next day is a little bit late too, don't you think?
Alicia M. Siegfried
Sacramento, CA