Monday, February 25, 2013

Memories and Birthdays

I miss my grandpa every day.  It's been 16 years, to the day, since he decided to leave us.  And yes, I do believe that he decided it was his time to go.  

He was supposed to schedule his heart surgery that day.  He had been putting it off, and telling my mom and uncle that he didn't want/need it.  He finally agreed.  But he went to sleep that night and never woke up.  In my heart, I believe that was his way of telling us he wouldn't have made it through the surgery anyway.  I was so young when he passed, but if I remember correctly, he had already had a heart attack (or two).  

I can still vividly remember the last time I saw him.  He was standing in the door way of Grandma Lee's house, waving goodbye.  He had just given me my Grandma's vintage sewing machine.  And of course, I still have it.  It doesn't work anymore, but I have it.  

I just miss him.  I wanted to buy his old house last year, but the area is so bad now that it just wasn't safe.  I have the piano that was purchased in that house, and the dining room table and china cabinet that belonged to my grandma in that house.  It would have meant a lot to be able to put them "back where they belong," but safety was an issue.  There were bullet holes in the windows.  The same neighbor next door and across the street still live there.  They seem to be doing fine, but my mom and Brandon talked me out of it.  

My grandpa probably wouldn't have wanted me to live there anyway.

But enough sadness, today is also Jenn Hughes' birthday.  Happy 5th Anniversary of your 21st birthday, my darling!  I cannot wait to celebrate with some cocktails and conversation!!

Happy Monday, folks <3

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday: Things That Don't Matter

There are so many things on the news and in social media right now that I think are ridiculous and overdone. Here's a dozen things I don't care about or I think are dumb:

1. Kate Middleton's baby bump.
2. Kate Middleton's entire pregnancy.
3. How much the economy sucks.  WE KNOW.  Enough, already.
4. The Sacramento Kings leaving Sacramento.
5. Who Taylor Swift is dating this month.
6. Higher gas prices as the weather gets warmer. DUH!
7. Prince Harry's romantic getaway.
8. Anything related to Justin Beiber.
9. Kim & Kanye's baby.
10. Barack Obama playing golf with Tiger Woods. Another great big WHO CARES?
11. Any and all sports-related stories.
11a. This includes any player trades, players being arrested, owners sucking, etc.
12. All the stupid "Like this picture if..." crap all over Facebook.

Yes, I realize I sound very negative today.  Probably because it's been a crappy day.  And an overall crappy week.  But turning on the news every night and seeing all the exact same things is so annoying.  Is there really nothing else going on in the world?  This is all we have to talk about anymore?  

Can I get a story about a random act of kindness?  Or a nice story about kids that isn't about bullying via social media?

Here's a tip about bullying, by the way: If you're being bullied or if you have "Facebook depression," delete your Facebook.  No, it's not running away from your problems, it's removing your bully's avenue to be able to taunt you.  There's also the almighty BLOCK feature, which I probably overuse.  

Facebook depression is a joke.  You're going through puberty, you're not depressed.  I got made fun of too.  A lot.  And threatened, teased, picked last for square dancing in junior high.  Now, all the people who made fun of me are fat, single parents, balding, and/or have dead end jobs at WalMart.
  Congratulations!  You really made it in life. 

I think I'm just ready to fall off the earth for a while.  Nothing on FB or the news is even remotely interesting anymore, including my own posts.  It's just time to focus on me and my life, instead of you and yours.  Maybe I'll re-emerge for summer.  We'll see how it goes.

I may or may not continue blogging.  If you have my number, text me and we'll get together :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Love Day

Typically, I hate Valentine's Day.  Most people don't even know the true meaning behind the day.  Let me give you a little history lesson...  Well, I'm gonna copy and paste something I found online...

The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. 

Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons, where they were often beaten and tortured. According to one legend, an imprisoned Valentine actually sent the first "valentine" greeting himself after he fell in love with a young girl--possibly his jailor's daughter--who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter signed "From your Valentine," an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories all emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic and--most importantly--romantic figure.

With that being said, Valentine's Day is really about love enduring torture and imprisonment.  And let's be honest, that's a REAL relationship, isn't it?  

Just kidding.

However, I have never needed a particular day to tell someone I love them.  I tell them every day.  Valentine's Day, like most holidays, has become about gifts.  We have a NO GIFTS rule on days like this.  We have financial goals, and buying flowers (that will die), candy (that will make you fat), or any other trivial gift is a waste of money.  Cards don't count, because some of them are hilarious and they're 2 for $1.  

I will say, in the "spirit of Valentine's Day," that Brandon is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I can't imagine my life without him.  Tonight, I imagine we'll get sweaty (AT THE GYM, sickos...), maybe get a Redbox movie, and find something to make for dinner.  There's nothing special for us today.  It's just a Thursday, and another day we get to spend together, grateful to have each other.  

Every day is like this.  It's all about how you choose to tell your spouse you love and appreciate them.  One day a year?  Or every day?


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hump Day Nightmare

I woke up this morning at 4:30 am, completely panicked and sweating from a ridiculous and terrifying nightmare.

Here's how it went...

I was standing with Brandon in front of our house, when we look up to see a terrorist organization parachuting down from a plane.  I have no idea how we knew they were terrorists, but we were certain.  We immediately got in the car and started driving around the neighborhood telling people to get their kids and get inside.  Lock the doors, close the blinds, and HIDE!!

Instead of getting the hell outta town like we should have, Brandon decided he wanted to be an investigator and try to find where they landed.  I started whining, knowing something was going to go wrong.  I suddenly had to pee REALLY bad, so we stopped at some kind of a park so I could use the bathroom.  

While I'm on the john, I hear someone come in and I feel like they're peeking into all the stalls.  My heart starts racing, and I freeze.  I can see through the cracks in the stalls that the man who was peeking in had locked the door, and he then started banging down the doors of the stalls and killing everyone on the crapper.

Ridiculous, huh?

Luckily, I forced myself awake before he could make it to my stall.  I woke up sweating, and afraid to go back to sleep.  I'm even afraid to use a public restroom now.  It's a silly dream, but not entirely impossible to have a small massacre in a bathroom.  With the way the world is turning right now, and all the horrible tragedies around the country, I wouldn't be surprised.  I might just think twice now before using a public restroom.  I can hold it....

Monday, February 11, 2013

Manic Monday: Phone down, eyes forward!

First things first: did anyone else watch the Grammy's?
Of course you did.
Did you notice that the camera man zoomed into Taylor Swift every time a man was on stage?
Of course you did.
Did you also catch onto the fact that she's checking out the spring lineup?  Planning her next album?
Of course you did.

That's all I wanted to point out about that.

Last week was absolutely terrible.  From Monday to Sunday.  Well, Friday and Saturday were cool.  But Monday through Thursday and definitely Sunday...all awful.  Today is a new start to a new week, and I'm determined to make it better.  I've started making offers on houses, I'm doing great at work today (considering it's a Monday), and I'm pretty sure my laundry will be done by the time I get home (Thanks babe!).  Overall, not a bad start to the week.

But one thing I've noticed today...

I had to go to WinCo at lunch to get a couple things for the office. 
(Crap, I forgot coffee creamer.)  
While walking through the parking lot, into and out of the store, and while walking around inside the store, I noticed countless people trying to push their carts, walk, hold conversations, pay for and bag their groceries, all with their phones in their hands.  One kid walked right into me, because he was texting instead of paying attention to what was in front of him.  I did purposely get in his way, but my point is that he could have side-stepped me had he noticed anything going on around him.  

Then I went to pick up some lunch, and I noticed a guy trying to fill his soda cup, also with his phone in his hand.  He wasn't in the middle of anything.  Just the home screen.  Dude...put your phone in your pocket and proceed with your beverage.

I understand that we have moved into the era of Technology.  It's everywhere.  There are smart phones, laptops, bluetooth technology, tablets, iPads, mp3 players, etc.  But the world around you still exists.  You still need to practice human interaction.  Have a real, face-to-face conversation.  Go poop without your smart phone one day this week.  I bet you $5 that you won't be in there very long.  How many times have you just sat on the toilet long after you're done handling your business, just playing on your phone?  We all do it, it's ok.  But don't let your life be consumed by this technology.  Put your phone away sometimes, and take a look at your surroundings.  Make eye contact with people, smile at them. 

And if you choose to accept my $5 poop-without-your-smartphone challenge, I can pay you in gum.  I'm trying to buy a house, I don't have cash lying around.

Until next time... <3

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday Shoesday!!

Last Tuesday, I ordered the most amazing shoes ever.
Today, they were delivered.
Be still, my heart.

 Before you ask: No, they are NOT Ed Hardy shoes.  They are by Iron Fist, which is a company that makes  vegan products.  And no, I am not a vegan.  I love chicken and I don't know what I would do without sushi. As a temporarily retired cake decorator, I felt these shoes were absolutely necessary to keep my baking spirit alive.

The "About Us" page of the Iron Fist Ladies website literally states:

"We're a mythical beast that’s a mix of reckless love, attention whoring, and adventure hunting, created by necessity from the designers who birthed it from their creative brain-loins."  

Who doesn't want a pair of shoes made by that company?  This all feeds into that good ol' NYR of dressing with more color.  Why just dress more vibrantly?  Why not LIVE more vibrantly?  The bright green bag I bought yesterday was also a good example.  The world is filled with such remarkable and amazingly colorful life.  Animals, flowers, buildings, paintings,'s all so colorful.  Have you ever seen a black piece of fruit?  If you have, don't eat it.  It's probably gone bad.  

There's nothing wrong with wearing black.  I'm still wearing a black sweater today, but with a fuchsia skirt and these cupcake shoes.   All I'm saying is, in a world full of color, why wear only black?  Why not add a pink bow (but not in your're not 11) or a mustard yellow skirt?  Why wouldn't you want a pair of teal pants or seafoam green nail polish?  

Vanessa Innes has been a great fashion inspiration to me over the last couple of years.  She wore a pair of bright yellow vintage heels the other day.  BRIGHT yellow.  I firmly believe that your personal style is a great reflection of how you feel about yourself.  It's a true picture of the essence of you. (Dear God, I sound like a damn fortune cookie.)  The more bold you're willing to be when you get dressed in the morning, the more bold your personality.  And the more confident you're likely to feel.  With the mental, emotional and physical changes I've seen in myself over the last 2 years, it's only right that I start reflecting that in my clothing and accessories.

These will be my next IF purchase:

And will I wear them to work?  HELL YES.  Because tall shoes make my tiny boss feel extremely insecure.  "You're tall today, Ali."  I'm tall every day, dude.  You're just a miniature.

With all that said, I want to see some COLOR in your life!  My friends and blog readers are bright people.  You're beautiful, you're strong, and you're all confident.  Know it, and show it.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

I want to talk about sex!  

Just kidding.

But I bet you wouldn't have looked at this blog if you knew my real topic.  
I want to talk about the Super Bowl.

More importantly, I want to touch on the fact that I'm ECSTATIC that it's over.  Now that the season is over, I can look forward to my Facebook feed going back to posts about other bandwagon topics of the world.

But back to last night's game...

Although I don't care for any particular team, and I don't ever choose to watch football on my own, I did enjoy myself at my cousin's super bowl party.  We had jello shots (lots of them), tri-tip, bbq chicken, veggies, chips, dip, and more jello shots.  As I posted last night, jello shots will make anyone a sports fan.  After the first 6 shots I even found myself cheering for the Niners a little bit here and there.  I don't follow the team at all, or the sport as an organization, but I do admit that I had a good time with my family and new friends last night.  I am grateful every single day that Brandon isn't a die-hard sports fan.  We enjoy a SF Giants game here and there, and he will occasionally turn on a basketball or football game, but our schedule is not determined by "when his team is playing."  Amen to that.

Today, I am proud to say I came to work today, despite everyone else calling out to nurse their hangovers.  I am here, and I have had one f***ed up day.

To make myself feel better, I went back to DSW for the green leather Steve Madden tote bag.  And suddenly, I feel much better.

Nothing too exciting going on, otherwise.  I sent in all my documents for my home loan pre-approval today, so we'll see how that goes.  I want to be moved and settled by 4th of July.  But B and I are both still pluggin' away.  Working hard, saving money, enjoying life.  We get out when we can, but it's hard when "going out" is never cheap. 

Until next time, buy yourself a cocktail and a new pair of shoes.  Doctor's orders.