Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Whale's Vagina

We all know what this means by now. Yes?


Marina and I had such a great weekend visiting Jason and his friends. Friday we started off with a trip to the beach, and we all fell asleep.
Saturday morning we all got up early and hiked Cowles Mountain. It's 3 miles up and back, and I'm still sore from it all. The views were just amazing, even despite the layer of smog that was easily seen covering the city.
Saturday night we went to one of Jason's friend's houses and met a bunch of his friends, went out dancing, and had an overall amazing night.

Pictures were not taken that night, and for good reason.

Sunday we got up early and went to Brunch at Gringos, then shopped around a bit. I met an old friend, Will, for lunch and then had a lazy day while Jason went to work. Monday before I left, we went out to Ocean Beach and soaked in a little sunshine before I had to leave.

I'm definitely seeing another trip down in my near future. I had too much fun to not go back!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

If you're gonna cook naked, wear an apron...

This sounds like common sense, right?! As my Brown Suga' and I say,
"You would think!!!!"

Common sense is dead these days. Each and every day, I see or hear someone do or say the DUMBEST things ever. And each new day tops the previous. Common courtesy? Also dead. Sad, but true.

So, I've taken the liberty of writing down a few simple guidelines to help you be a little bit more useful to society. Please keep in mind that I say these things, not to be a raging b!+ch, but to give you the opportunity to better our community. Please note the following common sense and common courtesy real life examples that I have recently encountered:

1. When entering or exiting a room with a door, always look behind you to see if you can hold the door for someone else. It will take 5 seconds, and I'm sure you can spare it.

2. If you see an elderly person struggling with a bag of groceries, their keys, whatever it is, stop and offer to help them.

3. Don't blast your music out of your car through a residential area past 10 pm. Even on the weekends.

4. If your pants don't fit, wear a belt. And if you're wearing a belt, please keep in mind it should be tightened around your waist, not your knees. I don't want to see your banana hammock.

5. Fire is hot. Don't touch it.

6. Slurpees are FROZEN. Don't chug them.

7. No one goes to the movies to hear your personal conversations so when the lights go down, zip your lip.

8. If all the toilet paper doesn't go down with the first flush...FLUSH AGAIN.

9. There's a reason we have red, yellow and green stoplights. If it's red, it doesn't matter if you're making a U-turn, you still can't go.

10. If you have "Facebook depression," Stop Using Facebook!!

I'd love to hear your examples. Please show my blog some love and share your common sense/common courtesy examples that you wish people would follow!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pail Register

aka: bucket list.

Everyone has that list of dreams, goals, aspirations that they want to achieve before they die. Maybe a list of things to do before age 30, 40, 50...

I've never taken the time to write them down, so here goes. In no particular order, these are the things I want see, places I want to go, people I want to meet, and goals I want to achieve:

1. Buy a house/condo/townhouse of my own.
2. Go to Ireland.
3. Audition for American Idol.
4. Meet Huey Lewis.
5. Start a wedding planning business.
6. Make a cake for Hok from Quest Crew.
7. Go to Australia.
8. Learn to play the guitar.
9. Take a picture with every "Welcome to (State)" sign, in all 50 states.
10. Have the wedding of my dreams.
11. Be a mommy.
12. Spend 3 weeks traveling around Europe.
13. Ride a burrow at the Grand Canyon.
14. Finish my family tree.
15. Live somewhere besides California.
16. Keep a plant alive for more than 3 days.
17. Finish a 5k.
18. Volunteer more.
19. Fly a kite.
20. Change the oil in my own car.
21. Learn how to play the Sex and the City jingle on the piano.
22. Cut my hair short, and work it.
23a. Go back to Hawaii and hula on stage at a luau.
23b. Wear a coconut bra.
24. Attend a live fashion show.
25. Audition for a show at the Music Circus downtown.
26. Visit Carlo's Bakery.
27. Get a backbone and start standing up for myself.
28. Learn to ride a motorcycle.
29. Finish one or any of the blankets that I've started to make.
30. Live happily ever after.

I don't really feel like these are unreasonable. But what will I do first?!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Relationships. Everyone Read It.

If there's one thing I've learned from my previous relationships, romantic or platonic, it's that effort is required from both parties to make it a successful partnership.

Nothing worth having comes easy, right?


If there is a friend, husband, wife, boy/girlfriend or family member who isn't making an effort to make your relationship work, then what's the point? Don't you deserve to have people in your life who will want to spend time with you? Who will want to talk to you and see you?

If your self-esteem is where it should be, the answer is yes.

You, yes you, are the only person who can change your current situation. If you aren't happy, do something about it. I didn't for a long time, and if someone else hadn't made the first move, I'd probably still be unhappy. While it does get worse before it gets better, you have to take comfort in knowing that you deserve more. You're worth more.

And furthermore, if only one of you is willing to make the effort, don't waste time holding onto something that isn't there. You can't make them try. You can't change who they are. It's okay to be selfish sometimes. And if being a little selfish to take care of yourself is what it takes to be happy...


Don't wait for someone else to decide.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Directions

Welcome to my new blog! I was inspired to recreate one by Lisa Williams, and her charming new blog about her life as a mommy and housewife. I am neither of those things, but I AM going through a lot of personal changes, some good and some bad.

If you don't know what the changes are, ask me privately.

So now, I'm turning the page and going in a whole new direction with my life. Cliche, I know. But it's true. For those of you who know me well, you know that I aspire to be a wedding coordinator. First step: take a bridal consultant career diploma course. There's really no degree for this sort of thing, unless I go for Small Business Administration. But I despise school, so I'm going a different route.

After that, I'll get a business license and really start r o l l i n g ...

In local news,
I took my very first trip to Lake Tahoe this past weekend with two friends, Lexie & Damian. Yes, I've lived in Sacramento my entire life, and I had never been to Tahoe before. Lame. We engaged in all kinds of shenanigans, and I can't wait to do it all again!

Take a peek...