Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Relationships. Everyone Read It.

If there's one thing I've learned from my previous relationships, romantic or platonic, it's that effort is required from both parties to make it a successful partnership.

Nothing worth having comes easy, right?


If there is a friend, husband, wife, boy/girlfriend or family member who isn't making an effort to make your relationship work, then what's the point? Don't you deserve to have people in your life who will want to spend time with you? Who will want to talk to you and see you?

If your self-esteem is where it should be, the answer is yes.

You, yes you, are the only person who can change your current situation. If you aren't happy, do something about it. I didn't for a long time, and if someone else hadn't made the first move, I'd probably still be unhappy. While it does get worse before it gets better, you have to take comfort in knowing that you deserve more. You're worth more.

And furthermore, if only one of you is willing to make the effort, don't waste time holding onto something that isn't there. You can't make them try. You can't change who they are. It's okay to be selfish sometimes. And if being a little selfish to take care of yourself is what it takes to be happy...


Don't wait for someone else to decide.

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