In comparison to where I was a year ago, there's no question...I'm the happiest I've ever been.
My Uncle Rick used to ask me every time I'd see him, "Are you happy?" My answer was always, "Yes." But the truth is, I wasn't. I was content, but not happy. I hadn't been happy in weeks...months...even years. But I put on a smile, laughed when I needed to, and I faked it. Well guess what?
I am not perfect, and I make a lot of mistakes, but that doesn't mean I have to settle for fake happiness. I'm done lying about my feelings. I'm done pretending that I'm ok with being treated like crap. I'm not some second-rate, back-burner option. I have a lot to offer, and lucky for me, I get another chance.
If you're not happy, do something about it. You're the only one who can change it. No one should ever, ever settle for less than what they want or deserve. My FB post yesterday said, "When you settle for less than what you want and deserve, you end up getting less than you settled for." It's so true! When has any good ever come from settling? And furthermore, no one should ever settle for me. I don't want someone to fake being happy with me either.
Now is the time to figure out what you want and don't want in life. Not everyone is lucky enough to get a second chance like I am. So figure it out. I'm no advocate for divorce, but it has opened my eyes and my heart to so many new and exciting things that I wish I would have seen sooner.
What makes me happy?
Dancing | Singing | My friends | My family | Cake (#fatkid)
Meeting new people | Going out with new friends
Meeting new people | Going out with new friends
Trying new things | Going new places | Smiling and laughing for REAL
Everything I do, I do because it's going to make me happy. And from now on, I won't settle for anything less.
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