Friday, February 24, 2012

Anything you can do...

Lately there have been a lot of friends asking me, "Ali, is there anything you can't do?"  I sing (sometimes), dance, sew, knit/crochet, bake, cook, play the piano...but there's plenty that I can't do.  I can't...

Do the splits
Do a handstand
Put my fist in my mouth
Tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue
Do a pull up
Run more than a mile without stopping to walk
Keep a plant alive for more than its grocery store shelf life
Play the guitar (or any other string instrument)
Do a back flip
Speak or understand French/Italian
Watch TV without changing the channel during commercials
Ice skate backwards
Ride my bike with no hands
Tie my shoes with the "bunny ear" method
Roller skate

I think that's a pretty substantial start to the list of things I can't do.  However, those are all now on my bucket list.  No one is perfect, and we all have things we wish we could do.  So what's stopping you from trying them?


Stop getting in your own way, and go for it.  You can thank me later.  Happy Friday, kiddos!!!

1 comment:

  1. hello doll, i tagged you in my 11 things game if you're interested :)
