Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday Thoughts - The Use of Facebook

This whole past week I've done a lot of thinking about Facebook and its use as an outlet for everyone's individual thoughts and opinions.  Especially with the election on Tuesday, I've noticed a lot of people being a bit more....colorful....with their posts.  Examples:

"The world really is coming to an end if Obama is elected."
"Romney will ensure that you give birth to a bastard child if you're raped."
"I can't believe how dumb my friends are.  I'm ready to delete all of you!"

No joke.  Those were real posts.  On top of this, I've also seen a number of relationship status changes. 

"(Name here) went from being "in a domestic partnership" to being "single."
"(Name here) went from being "in a relationship" to being "single."
"(Name here) is now married."

When (Name here)'s friends comment to ask, "What happened?" or "Are you okay?," they are either ignored, or responded to with...


Then why didn't you delete your relationship status change?
Because it's MY facebook and I can post whatever I want.
True.  However, that will give people the right to question whatever you put on FB.
That doesn't mean I have to answer them.
True again.  But - that makes you a gigantic douche.  

People were doing the same thing about their political posts.  They posted whatever they wanted and expressed themselves, and then were hugely offended when someone of opposite political beliefs came at them with a legitimate, logical, factual argument.  Here's a quick rule of thumb for Facebook:

Anything posted on Facebook is public for your friends to see, unless you block them from that post.
Anything your friends see is open for comment.

Especially during a Presidential election, don't expect people to just sit back and read your posts.  People who disagree WILL comment, and they WILL debate your stance if they support an opposing position.  That's the beauty of this country.  Free speech, the right to vote, and the right NOT to vote.  

So for all of you who criticized me for not voting, 
I'd like to again remind you that I have just as much of a right not to vote 
as you have TO vote.  

Don't post anything you don't want to talk about, people.  And furthermore, no one cares about what you had to eat today, or about what you're making for dinner.  I can understand being proud of yourself for making a delicious meal. Sure, post a picture.  But I don't want to see:

"Decided to make meatloaf for dinner."

in one post, and then see:

"Changed my mind, now I'm making tacos."

5 minutes later.  
Cool story, bro.  

First of all, those are merely sentence fragments.  Secondly, it's annoying.

After being away from Facebook for a solid month, Brandon and I came back to realize how silly it really is.  Maybe we're just THAT awesome, which is highly likely.  I was really happy to see that my close friends and I still stayed in contact while my account was deactivated. I don't need this site to stay in touch with my close friends.  We still talked, texted, emailed, hung out, whatever the case was.  How many of you really know who your real friends are?  Delete Facebook and find out.  Seriously.  

In other news, my studly boyfriend won tickets to the Wiz Khalifa concert this Sunday at Sleeptrain Arena, and I'm fairly certain we get free parking and a luxury suite, thanks to VSP.  Be jealous.  

And finally, here's a picture of Bob Saget for Megan.  I feel like her Bob photos really liven up her blog, so I'm trying it out just for shits and gigs.  

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