Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Confession Wednesday/How to be a Red Head

This week's confession:

I constantly take the last bit of coffee/toilet paper/paper towels/soap/etc. and I don't replace it.
Yes, it's me. 

And now, I've reached that point in my work day where I'm going to stop working and do whatever I want. That being said, I've decided to share some tips for being a Ginger. There are a lot of people who try to be gingers, when in fact, they are not.  If you're going to dye your hair red, please abide by the following:

Redhead Rules
1. Kool aid is not an acceptable way to dye your hair red.  Just don't do it.
2. Don't get offended by the word "Ginger." It's an adorable term. Get used to it.
3. Don't hide or be ashamed of your freckles. If you're a real redhead, you have them. Be proud.
4. Click here for ginger makeup tips. Follow them.
5. Avoid red lipstick.
6. Understand that the same outfits you wore as a blonde or brunette may not look good as a ginger.
7. Do not avoid red clothing. But know how to wear it.
8. Wear sunscreen. Especially all of us Irish and Scottish women.  We weren't meant for sunlight.
9. Get glosses to prolong your color. Red fades quickly.
10. And last but not least, kick anyone who believes "Gingers don't have souls" right in the groin.

Follow these simple guidelines and you're guaranteed to have a happy life as a fiery redhead. It opens doors. Trust me.


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