Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wishful Wednesday - Prayer Edition

For those of you who believe in the power of prayer, I'm asking you to please add these wishes to your prayer list.  I don't necessarily believe in prayer, myself.  But since it can't hurt to try, I'm gonna do it...

I wish for "SP" to have no harsh side effects of her upcoming chemotherapy.
I wish for Brandon's mom to not be in so much pain.
I wish for Momo to also be free of her head/neck pain.
I wish for my Aunt Vicki to continue a healthy recovery from her breast cancer.
I wish for this holiday season to not include drama and chaos as usual.
I wish for everyone to be able to be with their loved ones for Thanksgiving.
I wish for Arnie to heal quickly from his ailments, both mental and physical.

Even if you don't think it will help anyone to pray, knowing that you tried for them will make them feel better.   Well, probably not Arnie.  I think most people believe that prayer is more for mental and emotional healing.  If you take comfort and strength in knowing that 10 people are praying for you, then perhaps you'll you can channel it to physical help/healing.  

I don't know how it works, but I know that there are a lot of people who do it, and a lot of people who ask for prayers during tough times.  I also know a lot of people going through tough times right now.  It's hardest around the holidays.  So much stress, so much tension.  I wish everyone could just stop, for one day.  Thanksgiving is next week, and I challenge everyone to just make it a good day.  Pray for those around you to do the same.  See what happens.  You never know.

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