Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Every year we look forward to the new year as a fresh start; a new beginning.  We reflect on the year that has passed and we typically complain about how horrible the last 12 months have been for us.  

Well I'm gonna brag for a minute, because I had a fantastic year...

I went to Mexico and swam with dolphins.
I moved back into my own place.
I got a new car, and then another new car.
I re-joined the gym.
I lost 30 lbs.
I now have a paid-off mortgage loan reflected on my credit report.
I got to see my best friend and goddaughter, even tho only for a couple days.
I reconnected with old friends.
I got licensed to teach Zumba.
I've made countless new friends.
I started making cakes again, thanks to someone special in my life.
I had a t-shirt designed for my business, courtesy of Magic Seven Clothing.
I bought a 1981 Schwinn road bike.
I got TWO raises at work.
I turned 25.
...and most importantly...
I reconnected with my family.

Along with that, we often think of a "new years resolution," a goal, for the upcoming year.  For many people the first resolution is to lose weight.  Others might want to quit smoking, give up caffeine, stop drinking, limit your Facebook usage, look for a better job,  pay off your debt, or even just to save money.

If these goals are so important that you feel a need to make a whole new years resolution out of them, why are you waiting for the new year?  If you want to lose weight, don't wait another 3 days.  Go to the gym TODAY.  Go for a walk TODAY.  If you want to quit smoking, throw away the rest of the pack in your purse RIGHT NOW.  If you want to pay off your debt, cancel your dinner plans and put that money towards your credit card balances TONIGHT.  And if you want to limit your Facebook use, save the link to my blog first so you can keep up!!

I made a new years resolution about 6 years ago to never make another new years resolution.  I'm proud to say I've been able to stick to that.  When something is important to me, I do it in the moment.  I don't want to wait for life anymore.  I want to make it happen for myself.  So that's what I'm doing :)  

I am, however, going to document every day of 2012 with a photo.  I want to try something new and/or different every day.  Whether it's a different route to work, a different hairstyle, a new food or beverage, or watching a movie I wouldn't otherwise watch.  Life is short, and I only have one shot at this.  I don't want to waste another 5 years on people or things who don't make me happy or contribute something positive to my life.  I highly recommend the same for everyone else.  

Life is so much more worthwhile when you live it for yourself.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Behind the Scenes

As kids, we all go through a phase of wanting to be a star.  A rock star, a movie star, a pop star...a SUPER star.  We all want to be famous.

But me?

I always wanted to sing and dance in the chorus.  

I've never wanted to be a super star.  I don't like to be in the spotlight for too long.  Even now, I love going back to my high school and being the choreographer for the dance productions.  I don't always want to dance or be on stage, I like to be behind the scenes.  I always wanted to dream up the show and watch it come to life as someone else dances or acts it out.  

Pointless blog, just felt like writing it down.


If you've had problems with your skin your entire life like I have, or even if you only have the occasional breakout...try this.  It works!

Friday, December 16, 2011

'Tis the Season to be...


I'm so tired of walking around during the holidays and hearing people whining about stupid things.  This is supposed to be the happiest time of the year.  You're all supposed to be jolly!!!!  And instead, all I hear are complaints about long lines, traffic, being broke, etc.  Do yourself a favor and try being thankful that you have what you DO have.  Be grateful for the people in your life.

Here's what I'm grateful for this holiday season...

1. My job.
2. My family, immediate and extended.
3. My friends, near and far.
4. My apartment.
5. My roommate.
6. My health.
7. All 5 senses.
8. My goddaughter.
9. Food in my belly.
10. Clothes on my back.
11. My car.
12. The ability to buy gifts for the people I love.
13. My musical abilities
14. My loyal cake clients.
15. The Capitol Christmas tree.
16. My bed.
17. Hulu.
18. Social Networking.
19. My divorce.
20. Dance.
21. Pianos.
22. My sewing machine.
23. Rain.
24. String cheese.
25. Instant messaging.
26. iPhones.
27. Crying when I need to.
28. My ability to think logically.
29. Pregnant friends.

Those are just 30 things off the top of my head that I'm grateful for.  Make a list...what are you grateful for?  There are so many people this holiday season who don't have what you have.  You're alive.  You're breathing.  You have people in your life who care about you.  You obviously have internet access, or you wouldn't be reading this.  Think about all the families going to shelters to get their Christmas meal this year.  Think about all the kids who aren't going to be visited by Santa Claus.

You're a lot better off than you might feel today.  Try not to be so negative.  Nothing good comes from a negative attitude.  

Monday, November 28, 2011

November Recap

Let's just take a moment to recap the month of November, shall we?  In no particular order...

1. Sold my wedding rings.
2. Got my name changed back.
3. Got a new roommate, whom I adore.
4. Had a great cake month.
5. Bought J. Klaus
6. I did my Trash The Dress photo shoot.
7. Thanksgiving with my family.
8. I got all my Christmas shopping done early.
9. I signed off on my house.
10. I turned 25.

Overall, I've had the most amazing month of my life.  Here are some pics to document it all <3 <3

Me & Joolia at Loree's Little Shack

Zach & Manuel (Bean) - These boys and I go back 5 years already!

My Brown Sugar. My Main Squeeze. <3

Cassie & Jason

The lovely Bpicks and myself

Hayley & Hilary!

Me & one of my beautiful brides, Christina <3

Me & Cass before The Park

Ashley & Kallie kisses are the best.

No one buys the "cow" because I give the milk away for free.

Emily, gorgeous as ever!

And Vicky.  My friend of over 20 years.  <3 you girl!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who came out and celebrated my birthday with me.  You all mean the world to me, and I can't fully express my gratitude.  I'm happy to know each and every one of you.

Now...I wonder what December has in store for me...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

High School is Over

Do you ever want to just grab some people by the shoulders and scream,

It's come to my attention that there are some people who just really don't like me. But they have zero reason to not like me.  They've even blocked me on Facebook for no reason.  They probably don't have any reason TO like me either, but whose fault is that?  There are plenty of you who remember me as a huge bitch or someone who had a whoooooole lot of attitude in high school.  Well, here's the kicker.....


If we were all the same now as we were in high school, the world be a sad, sad place.  We've all grown up.  So why are some of you so set on your opinions of me, or anyone else, from 8 years ago?  There are some of us who have married each other, and some who have had kids together, and some couples have formed that would have once deemed the most unlikely pairs EVER.  But that's what happens when you give people a second chance.  That's what happens when people grow up and become adults.  That's what happens when you stop bullying me and give me a chance to be normal without always feeling like I have to defend myself.  

Befriend someone from your past that you normally would have never been friends with.  You really might be surprised at who has changed, and who you're insanely compatible with.  Don't be so close-minded.  And stop being mean to people based on what you used to know about them.  

You never know who might turn out to be the doctor who saves your life, the policeman who pulls you over, the nerd-turned-porn star in your favorite "movie," your kid's teacher, or your server at a restaurant.  Rule #1 of eating in restaurants: don't f*** with people who handle your food, right?  Make amends, be nice, stay humble, and kiss your favorite sushi chef.  Just because.

"Someday, I'll be livin' in a big ol' city. And all you're ever gonna be is mean."

Friday, November 11, 2011

Kiss a Veteran

In honor of Veteran's Day, I want to take a minute to thank all of the military members, past, present and future, for their dedication to this country.  A few special people for me are:

My dad, Joe Siegfried, Air Force
James G. Brady, Uncle, Army, Purple Heart, killed in Vietnam <3
Rick Waldron, Uncle, Marines
RJ Waldron, Cousin, Navy
Tim Waldron, Cousin, Marines
Gerry Rose, Great Uncle, Navy
Valentin Bakalor, "Brother," Marines
Will Coukoulis, Friend, Navy
Kevin Murphy, Friend, Army
Francisco Valencia, Friend, Army
Jason Porter, Friend, Marines
Kelvin "Kutter" Powell, Friend, Navy
Jesse Ferguson, Friend, Marines
Kevin Naturale, Friend, Army
Adam Luber, Friend, Air Force
Daniel Crozier, Friend, Air Force
Amina Smartt, Friend, Army
Anthony Stewart, Friend, Air Force
Brian Sherrill, Friend, Army
David Martin, Friend, Army
Jessica Harris, Friend, Marines
Jon Polante, Friend, Army
Justin Cole, Friend, Navy
Mark Conley, Friend, Army
Michael Conklin, Friend, US Coast Guard
Leah Killingsworth, Friend, US Coast Guard
Tommy Huynh, Friend, Marines
Randall Small, Friend, Marines

I'm SURE I missed a bunch of people, but please know that I appreciate every one of you. Take a minute today to thank someone in the military.  Give them a smooch :-)


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chivalry is Back!!

Well, what do you know?!  Chivalry is NOT dead!!

I've seen a growing trend in gentlemanly activity recently, and I feel the need to take a moment to give credit where credit is due.  Last night there were an overwhelming number of men holding doors for people, pulling out chairs for women, and paying for drinks.  I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Well, duh. They're trying to get laid."  This really went beyond that though.  They were engaging in genuine conversation, showing real interest.  It was amazing.

For years I've thought that guys are all jerks and only after one thing.  Honestly, some of them still are.  But lately, I've noticed a significant change in the way men are treating women.  They're actually trying to "court" their love interests instead of going for the easy girls.  They're looking for something real.  Sorry to bust you out, guys, but you all seem to have a soft side.  Ladies like it, so show it off a little more.

Let me reiterate: ladies like it.  Whores won't care.  Just depends on what you're looking for.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I won't fake it anymore.

In comparison to where I was a year ago, there's no question...I'm the happiest I've ever been.  

My Uncle Rick used to ask me every time I'd see him, "Are you happy?"  My answer was always, "Yes."  But the truth is, I wasn't.  I was content, but not happy.  I hadn't been happy in weeks...months...even years.  But I put on a smile, laughed when I needed to, and I faked it.  Well guess what?


I am not perfect, and I make a lot of mistakes, but that doesn't mean I have to settle for fake happiness.  I'm done lying about my feelings.  I'm done pretending that I'm ok with being treated like crap.  I'm not some second-rate, back-burner option.  I have a lot to offer, and lucky for me, I get another chance.  

If you're not happy, do something about it.  You're the only one who can change it.  No one should ever, ever settle for less than what they want or deserve.  My FB post yesterday said, "When you settle for less than what you want and deserve, you end up getting less than you settled for."  It's so true!  When has any good ever come from settling?  And furthermore, no one should ever settle for me.  I don't want someone to fake being happy with me either.  

Now is the time to figure out what you want and don't want in life.  Not everyone is lucky enough to get a second chance like I am.  So figure it out.  I'm no advocate for divorce, but it has opened my eyes and my heart to so many new and exciting things that I wish I would have seen sooner. 

What makes me happy?

Dancing | Singing | My friends | My family | Cake (#fatkid)
Meeting new people | Going out with new friends
 Trying new things | Going new places | Smiling and laughing for REAL

Everything I do, I do because it's going to make me happy.  And from now on, I won't settle for anything less.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Weight Loss Journey: Before & After

As most of you know by now, I've been working really hard through my divorce to lose all the weight I gained after my surgery in 2009.  Between September 2009 and March 2011, I had gained 30 lbs.  I am very proud to say that I lost all 30 lbs.  It might not seem like that big of a deal to some people, but do you know how heavy 35 lbs is?  Go to the gym and pick up 35 lbs of free weights.  Go to the grocery store and pick up 35 lbs of ground beef.  Then imagine carrying that extra weight around every day.  

Now that the divorce is final and I reached my goal, here are some pictures from my journey...

August 2010 - 170 lbs. 

September 2010 - March 2011, 175 lbs.

August 2011, 155 lbs., down 20 lbs.

September 2011 - 150 lbs.

October 2011 - 145 lbs.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Live Long, Laugh Often, Love Much.

If we discovered we had 5 minutes to live before the world ended, phone booths everywhere would be full of people trying to call their families to say, "I love you."  Cell phone towers would be busier than ever, all because everyone would be trying to contact the people closest to them to say, "I love you."  

Why is it that a major crisis or natural disaster has more of an affect on people than everyday life?  Why wait for something terrible to happen to make you realize who's important to you?  Life is short, love is strong.  Love should be given every day.  To friends, to family, to spouses and children.  If you like someone, tell them.  If you love someone, tell them, and tell them often.  

Love can also be scary.  But personally, I'm more afraid of someone not knowing I love them than I am of them not loving me back.  Me saying, "I love you," has nothing to do with me.  It has everything to do with the person I'm saying it to.  I love who/what they are.  Love doesn't have to be mutual to be real.  And if someone tells you they love you, don't be afraid of it.  Maybe you're not ready to say it back, now or ever.  That's ok.  But you ought to feel good knowing that someone feels such a strong emotion for you.  

And if it IS mutual, say it back with confidence.  Own your feelings.  Living and existing are completely different things.  To live is the greatest thing of all.  To live is to show emotion and share adventure, goals, hopes, dreams, sadness, pain, joy and love.  To exist is to walk around with no ambition or feeling whatsoever.  

So LIVE your life.  Don't just exist in this world.  LAUGH as often as possible with people who are important to you.  And LOVE as much as your heart will allow, and then some.  It'll be worth it, even if someone breaks your heart.  Crying is not a sign of weakness.  Since birth, it's been a universal sign that you're alive...

Captivate. Motivate. Inspire.

Work for a cause, not for applause.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Poise yourself with class, not like an ass.
Find the beauty in everything, ugliness in nothing.
Cry out loud, stand proud, don't get lost in the crowd.

And most importantly...

Don't strive to make your presence noticed,
Strive to make your absence felt.

When something bad happens, you have three choices:
1. Let it define you.
2. Let it destroy you.
3. Let it strengthen you.

Happiness is a choice.  I choose it every day.  

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Limited Right to Privacy?

I heard this topic on the radio this morning, and it reminded me of many, many conversations I've had with friends and family about the same issues.  I'm curious to know what people think of this...


When you're in a committed relationship, how much privacy are you entitled to?  

Some people say, "None, there should be absolutely nothing to hide, so why would you need privacy?"  Others have said, "The same amount of privacy as someone NOT in a committed relationship. Everyone has a right to privacy."  

Well here's what I think...

If you're in a new relationship, I don't think you have any right to know your bf/gf's email password, Facebook password, phone password, etc.  You're still building that trust.  If you get to a point where you can't trust your bf/gf, you shouldn't be together anyway.  There does come a point, however, where I believe you should [theoretically] be able to ask your significant other to look at their phone (or whatever) and they shouldn't hesitate to let you.  If you have nothing to hide, why would it be a problem?  

I know many couples who just periodically check each others phones, or they'll say, "I'm getting ready to delete all my texts - do you want to read any of them?"  I realize this is not for everyone, but it works for them, and I kind of like the concept.  I know that I don't have anything to hide, so if my boyfriend wanted to look through my phone, I'd let him.  If he wants to look through my emails, he'd find a bunch of forwards from family and friends, and maybe some bills.  Fun, huh?

My question is, where do you draw the line?  At what point is it acceptable to ask your significant other for this kind of access into their private lives?  Should you even have a private life when you're in that kind of relationship?  I think once you're married, there should be no question or hesitation (but there should be no reason to need to see this stuff anyway).  

It's just a sticky situation, but I'm curious to know what your take on it is... What do you think?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bragging Rights

This post is purely to brag.  But you know what? It's my blog, and I can say what I want :)  I am SO proud to report the following (from March 20 to September 11, 2011):

I've lost 27 lbs.
I've gone down 3 dress sizes.
I've gone down 4 pant sizes.

I'm still not a size 00 like my roommate, and I still don't have abs like Steven, but I'm happy.  I've worked hard, and it has paid off.  It's amazing how diet and exercise work so well...fancy that.  Only 7 lbs to go before my photo shoot, and I know I'll be able to do that.  5 weeks and 5 days to go!!!!


Thursday, September 8, 2011


Ok ladies, listen up. This is important.  There are a handful of things you should be able to do by the time you move out on your own.  Most of my female friends are married and have babies already, so I'm hopeful that you already know these things.  But here's the rundown:

1. Know how to change a tire. (I don't even know how to do this. I know the concept, but I've never done it.)
2. Know how to use a power drill.
3. Know how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. (cough, cough - roomie)
4. Know how to get a job.
5. Know when to call a man for the rest of the shit you can't do.

Ok now let's break it down:

1. Changing a tire.
     I admit, I've never changed a tire.  But everyone should know how.  The concept is simple: remove one tire, replace it with the spare.  Well here's a thought...practice it a couple times just so you know how to do it.  That way I don't have to sit on the shoulder of Westbound 80 for an hour waiting for another Triple A guy to come do it for me.  That was embarrassing.  Someone please show me how to do this...

2. Power drills.
     Power tools are amazing.  And men are usually terrified when you know how to use them.  Know how to change out the drill bits, and know where the button for forward and reverse is.

3. Grilled cheese.
     Grilled cheese is delicious, and a crowd pleaser.  So if you have a new boyfriend over and you're too lazy to go anywhere for dinner, make him a grilled cheese.  It's easy, and he's more likely to return when you feed him.  So know how to make one...without burning it.

4. Getting a job.
     I'm talking to my younger friends with this one.  You can't walk into a business and ask for an application in a t-shirt and jeans.You should be professionally dressed and well-groomed, with a complete resume in-hand.  I'm so tired of seeing you young girls in restaurants and other places in mini-skirts and tank tops asking for job applications.  Who would you hire?  The teeny-bopper in the plaid or the well-dressed young professional with a resume?  It's not rocket science, but as I've been told, "common sense isn't common anymore."

5. Calling a man for help.
     Lesbi-honest. Sometimes we just can't do it.  Be an adult and admit when you need a man to help. Even if it's your dad.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Logic Trumps Emotion

I say this a lot, and there's a reason: it's true. 

I have a friend who always happily points out when I'm "letting my vagina do the talking."  At those moments, I quickly reevaluate my point of view (he's usually right), and talk the logic back into the situation.  Women, in general, have a hard time looking at a situation through logic instead of emotion.

You're casually seeing someone you really have feelings for who is casually seeing other women as well.

Emotional response:
You're hurt and upset because you [desperately] want to be the only woman in his life.

Logical response:
You have no right to be upset because you're not the only woman in his life, nor are you his girlfriend.

The sooner you are able to process your thoughts logically, the sooner you'll realize how much time you spend being sad for no reason.  Let's be honest, ladies.  We're emotional creatures.  It's natural to be upset in a situation like my example.  But that doesn't mean you have to be emotional all the freaking time

Guys expect you to be crazy for one week out of the month.  And during that week, it's still not cool, but it's slightly more accepted.  During the rest of the month, you need to put your big girl panties on and suck it up.  Or find a guy who will tolerate your whining and bitching because they don't spend enough time with you.  I have friends right now who are literally texting and calling their "boyfriends" multiple, MULTIPLE times a day and getting no response.  There's a reason they don't respond!  They don't want to talk to you! 

So logically, you need to explain to yourself that this is not the end of the world and you will get over it.  You will find someone else who responds when you call and text.  You will go to sleep and get up the next day just the same as you did today.  Your natural, emotional response will be to continue calling and texting until he responds.  He won't.  So just stop.  Fight the urge.

Logic will always trump emotion.  It's ok to be emotional sometimes.  SOMETIMES.  But try to see the world through logic instead.  You'll be so much happier with your day-to-day life and overall situation.  Trust me.  I'm a doctor. (jk)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Trash the Dress

Two months from today I'm scheduled to do a "Trash the Dress" photo shoot with Melissa Babasin of Melissa Babasin Photography (  I'm SO excited for this shoot for several reasons.

1. Melissa did my wedding pictures, so it's only appropriate that she do my divorce pictures too.
2. My wedding dress will fit me a lot better now that I've lost 25 lbs, and another 10 before then (before picture to the left).
3. Melissa's work is phenomenal.
4. I'm celebrating being done with a dead-end marriage.
5. It's not only going to be a trash-the-dress shoot, but also kind of a glamor shoot.
6. I'm going to use a few of the photos she takes as head shots for future auditions.

 By the time this photo shoot rolls around, I want to have lost the last 10 lbs and really toned up.  I've been working really hard on this, and I'm slowly but surely seeing a difference in my body.  It's amazing to see hard work pay off!

I'm very grateful to close friends and family who have helped me through the last 5-10 months (Steven, Donna, Monique, Lexie, Betty, Brandon, Trevor, and Megan, just to name a few).  It's been a long time since I've felt like myself, but I finally do.  And it's been long overdue.  I've been going out, reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, and loving every single minute of life that I'm LIVING.  No more watching from the stands.  It's time for me.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Desperation is NOT Attractive

 I have a couple male friends that I've been observing on FB the last couple months, and it's hilarious to me how many girls throw themselves at them.  In a desperate way.  They "like" every single post and photo, they comment on everything, and they apparently get attitude when they see other girls doing the same.  

Desperation is not attractive, ladies.  If he's interested, he'll talk to you.  Have enough confidence to know what you're worth, and let him come to you on his own.  If he doesn't, find someone who will.  Don't chase after him, it's not appealing.  And it makes you look like an idiot.  

We're all a little guilty of this at times, myself included.  You find a guy you like, you connect with him, and then you see that he connects with 3 other girls too.  So you start thinking,
"What if he likes them more than me?"
SO WHAT??  There will be other guys who like you more than someone else.  Don't compete for any man's attention.  You are who you are, the end.  Don't change or try to be like anyone else just to impress him.  Because once you get comfortable and things start to get into a routine, he will notice that you're different.  

All I'm saying is don't be desperate.  It's not cute.  Just relax, be yourself, have a great time in life, and if he's attracted to you, he'll tell you.  Men aren't very subtle...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

20 Things Women Want Men to Know

Men, pay attention:

1. When we compare ourselves to a fat cow, say nothing.
2. If you say you'll do something, do it.
3. We often think with our vaginas, much like you often think with your penis.
4. We love surprises because it shows that you cared enough to put some thought behind it.
5. We appreciate that you're protective, but don't act like our father.
6. Oral sex is your get-out-of-jail-free card.  New shoes will also work.
7. It's cheating as soon as you do something you wouldn't want her to see, read, hear...
8.  "Fine" is never an appropriate response when we ask "How do I look?"
9. Sometimes we like to be the big spoon.  Let us hold you now and then.
 10. When you say you'll contact us, we expect you to.
11. We can handle the truth, so don't lie to us under the guise that you're "protecting" us.
12. You did something bad.  I seem ok with it.  I'm not.  Please see #6 above.
13. We always notice when you check out other girls. You're not that sly.
14. Wearing jeans with holes big enough to put your fist through are not appropriate for a family gathering.
15. Discussions about the ex-bf/ex-gf should be avoided at all times.
16. We love when you spend time with your mother, but not every waking second.
17. We appreciate good hygiene.  
18. We are well aware when we're being bitchy, but it's in your best interest to not point it out.
19. We will use any excuse we can to touch you in public.
20.  Affection should not have an ulterior motive.  Sometimes it should stop at a simple kiss and a hug.
All simple enough, right? 

Monday, August 15, 2011

How to be a 20-Something

This is an insightful article I found at  It's something every 20-something should stop to read.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baby Daddy

I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine about the celebrities with whom we would procreate.  Because of this conversation, I decided to make an official list.  So here goes:

1. Elliot Stabler from SVU
2. Rufio from Hook
3. Channing Tatum
4. Josh Duhamel
5. Omar Epps
6. Artie from Glee
7. Edward Cullen
8. Bradley Cooper
9. Ryan Gosling
10. Chris Pine
11. Adrian Grenier
12. Zack Morris
13. Ed Westwick
14. Chace Crawford
15. Edward Norton
16. Paul Walker
17. Gerard Butler
18. Kellan Lutz
19. Shemar Moore
20. Ryan Reynolds


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Big Fun dot Org

It's here! It's here!

I wait for the California State Fair every single year, and I love/hate that it's early again. Why do I love it so much? THE FOOD. DUH! Deep fried everything, turkey legs, corn on the cob, funnel cake, fro-yo, chocolate covered bananas, and my personal favorite....


Please note: not all Jumbo Corn Dog stands are created equal.

There is only one real jumbo corn dog stand, and that is the one near the stage and the turkey legs. Don't be fooled by the other imposters. Where else can you get a 9"-incher for $3.00?

Wait a minute...

What else do I love about the fair? Everything. The exhibits, the 9/11 memorial, the giant ferris wheel, taking that ski lift thing from one side to the other because 1) I'm too lazy to walk, and 2) I like to smell all the food. Plus, last year I bungee jumped, and this year I might have to do it again. Who wants to do a tandem jump with me?!?!

I look forward to this every year, and it's finally here. Let the BIG FUN begin!!!

I know I'm lame, I've made peace with it...