Saturday, May 25, 2013

How do you know when you've found "The One?"

I've been asked on more than one occasion, "So, do you think Brandon is The One?"  

My response the last time I was asked: "How do you ever really know? How can you ever be sure?"

It's been a few months since I've been asked, but if someone asked me today, the answer would be:

"Without a doubt, YES."

So, how do you know?

There comes a point in every relationship where you just...know.  Whether you want to admit to yourself that that point has come is up to you, but it is always there.  For my previous relationship, I knew early on that it was never going to work.  I went along with everything and stayed with him because I was young, dumb, and comfortable with our life and income.  I didn't want to start over.  But I don't think I was happy at all, the entire time.  

I'd been waiting for the aforementioned "sign" with Brandon. I've though for a long time that he's perfect for me, we're amazing together, and I tell him that.  But there's always one pivotal moment in a relationship where you're certain that you're either all-in, committed to your spouse in that 'til-death-do-you-part kind of way...or you're not.  

That moment for me, was his dad's heart attack this week.

My thought process was simple:
Your family needs you.

Simple as that.  Brandon is my family. His mom, his dad, and him. They're part of my life and a part of me.  My parents took Brandon into our family with no questions, no concerns.  He makes me happy, and they love him for that.  They've gotten to know him, and they appreciate who he is as a human being. I like to think Brandon's parents think the same of me, as a part of their family as well.  It was obvious after Reggie's heart attack. I was there with them for whatever they needed.  A ride to the hospital, to pick up dinner, adjust pillows, crack a joke, whatever.  Because that's what your family is for.  We're all family now.

Brandon and I have built a life together..a home.  We talk, we laugh (a lot), we dance, we kiss, and we love each other.  He tells me he's past his return date so I'm stuck with him now. I don't look at it as being stuck, of course. I can't imagine life with anyone else.  And I don't want to.  Whether or not we ever get married or have kids doesn't matter. As long as he's in my life, I'll be happy.

He's "it" for me. 
He's The One.

And that's how you know.  When you'd stop your life to help them, to make sure they're okay, to make sure they're happy.  When you can't imagine your life without them in it.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Confession Wednesday

Today's confession: I'm a hypocrite and I feel very entitled when it comes to the right-of-way.

...for instance...

If you aren't using your blinker while you're changing lanes and turning, you better beLIEVE I am honking my horn, swearing, and giving you the bird from my car.
Then I don't use my blinker for the rest of the day.

And if someone is getting crazy with ME, thinking MY driving is bad (they'd be right), I do not care. I will slow down, and they will just have to wait for me.  I have a golf club in my car for a reason. Don't test me.

And all you losers who drive 65 mph in the fast lane can suck it!  You know who you are.
Then again, when I get in the fast lane and someone is tailgating me, I just slow down to piss them off. Hypocrisy 101.

Another example, was in Walmart yesterday.
I was walking through the isles rather rapidly, as I was on a lunch break and had a lot of errands to run in an hour.  Of course, all the old folks go to Walmart in the middle of the day, and they are the worst LOLLYGAGGERS ever.  They take their sweet time, and I got annoyed. So I very dramatically went around them and quickly walked to the checkstand.
If the roles had been reversed and someone were trying to go around me, I would have thought, "That little b**ch can just wait for me."

So you see, I am a hypocrite on the road, and it's in everyone's best interests to just stay far away from me when I'm driving. Also, don't drive like a bag of dicks.

Happy Hump Day! Carpe diem.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Manic Monday: Then & Now

It's Monday, once again, and I'm so done being tired all the time. No matter how early I go to bed, or how many naps I take during the day, I can never seem to get enough sleep to feel fully rested.  I'm exhausted ALL the time.  

Today, in my state of exhaustion, I find myself thinking about how much things have changed/not changed in the last 2 years.  Some things about me have changed for the best, and other things that were already awesome about me have stayed the how incredibly humble I am.  Or things like:

Then: I loved teal accent walls.
Now: I still love teal accent walls.

Then: I didn't own a bicycle.
Now: I have ridden from downtown Sacramento to Davis and back in one afternoon.

Then: I was single and living with my Aunt.
Now: I live with my amazing boyfriend and own my own home.

Then: I had one real friend.
Now: I have more friends than I've ever had in my life. I actually have a life now.

Then: I had never held or shot a gun.
Now: I have held and shot a .45 mm, a .9 mm, a semi-automatic shotgun, and an AR-15.

Then: I had never been to a real bar or club.
Now: I've done my time with the Sacramento night scene...

Then: My relationship with my parents was mediocre at best.
Now: I talk to them almost every day, and see them both at least twice a week.

Then: I drove a 2011 Honda Civic Coupe, and then a 2008 Scion tC.
Now: I drive a 2006 Kia Sorrento SUV.

Then: I had shorter, brown hair.
Now: I have long, dark auburn hair.

Then: I cared way too much about what other people thought.

It's just amazing how much can change in such a short period of time. Even from just one year ago, things have changed so drastically, and for the best.  I couldn't imagine being happier than I am right now.  I have amazing things coming up the rest of this year:

1. Yelena's graduation, May 25th. 
2. Megan's wedding, June 22nd.
3. Our first official anniversary, July 11th.
4. A big camping trip, July 12-14th.
5. Great America, July 28th.
6. Donna & Katie coming to visit, October 11-20th.
7. My 4-year anniversary at work, October 12th.
8. Holidays in my new house.

With all this to look forward to, how could I possibly complain?  Sure, around that time of the month, I find plenty to complain about.  But as soon as my better half reminds me to be logical, I can come to terms with myself and realize how amazingly happy I am and how good life is.  

"If you have zero debt and $10 in your pocket, you're richer than 95% of Americans."

I guess I've been pretty lucky. =)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Confession Wednesday/How to be a Red Head

This week's confession:

I constantly take the last bit of coffee/toilet paper/paper towels/soap/etc. and I don't replace it.
Yes, it's me. 

And now, I've reached that point in my work day where I'm going to stop working and do whatever I want. That being said, I've decided to share some tips for being a Ginger. There are a lot of people who try to be gingers, when in fact, they are not.  If you're going to dye your hair red, please abide by the following:

Redhead Rules
1. Kool aid is not an acceptable way to dye your hair red.  Just don't do it.
2. Don't get offended by the word "Ginger." It's an adorable term. Get used to it.
3. Don't hide or be ashamed of your freckles. If you're a real redhead, you have them. Be proud.
4. Click here for ginger makeup tips. Follow them.
5. Avoid red lipstick.
6. Understand that the same outfits you wore as a blonde or brunette may not look good as a ginger.
7. Do not avoid red clothing. But know how to wear it.
8. Wear sunscreen. Especially all of us Irish and Scottish women.  We weren't meant for sunlight.
9. Get glosses to prolong your color. Red fades quickly.
10. And last but not least, kick anyone who believes "Gingers don't have souls" right in the groin.

Follow these simple guidelines and you're guaranteed to have a happy life as a fiery redhead. It opens doors. Trust me.


Friday, May 3, 2013

Confession Wednesday is late this week.

To combine Flashback Friday with Confession Wednesday (since I'm late), I'm going to fill you in on a little blast-from-the-past facts about my life.  You know, just for funsies...a little "get to know Ali."

1. I used to be a lifeguard. And teach swim lessons.
2. I permed my hair once in 2008. I looked like a poodle, that looked like Richard Simmons.
3. At my heaviest, just over 2 years ago, I weighed 178 lbs. Yikes.
4. I took classical piano AND singing lessons as a teenager.
5. I am a huge sucker for Billy Joel and Huey Lewis. The obsession started at a ripe young age of 8 years old.
6. I was accepted to the Natomas Charter School of Performing Arts, and I turned it down.
7. I didn't go away to college so I could stay in town for a HS boyfriend. That didn't work out.
8. I ran a red light day I got my driver's license.
9. Ryan Bast was the only boy allowed in my room until.....well, even now.
10. I used to swallow my peas like asprin, without chewing it, because it made me gag.
11. I always dreaded the day when my brother would be bigger than me and could kick my ass in return for doing it to him. That day has come.
12. I didn't have my first kiss until high school. 
13. I had a spider bite on the inside of my leg that gave me a scar.
14. I used to know every word to The Lion King movie. I still might.
15. I always wanted more siblings.
16. I got suspended in 8th grade for telling a substitute teacher to F*** off. And then tried to lie about it.
17. I tipped over someone's motorcycle in high school and tried to lie about that. I got caught.
18. I was absolutely terrified of Y2K. 
19. I used to eat raw cookie dough bits out of the box when I worked at Leatherby's. I'd keep them in my apron. I was fat.
20. And last but not least, there was one day during Oak Hill's spirit squad practice when Erin Bacay (?) shoved me for absolutely no reason. I have no idea why she did it, other than maybe I was just standing too close to her, but I still think about that.

I'm off to celebrate my babe's birthday a little early. It's a big, busy weekend of traveling, packing, moving and unpacking.  I am excited, I am READY for 4 days off, and I cannot wait to move. Everyone have a great weekend, and stay safe out there!!!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Couple Before & Afters

Just a couple before and after shots of the house. 
Moving day is SUNDAY!!!!  Cinco de Drinko in the new house =)
Ay ay ayyyyy!!

Kitchen, BEFORE

Kitchen, AFTER

Kitchen, AFTER

Master bedroom, BEFORE

Master bedroom, AFTER (The decor will make it look less like a jail cell.)

"Hobby room," BEFORE

"Hobby room," AFTER (this is B's territory. We don't know what he's gonna do with it yet.)

Living Room, BEFORE

Living Room, AFTER