Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pail Register

aka: bucket list.

Everyone has that list of dreams, goals, aspirations that they want to achieve before they die. Maybe a list of things to do before age 30, 40, 50...

I've never taken the time to write them down, so here goes. In no particular order, these are the things I want see, places I want to go, people I want to meet, and goals I want to achieve:

1. Buy a house/condo/townhouse of my own.
2. Go to Ireland.
3. Audition for American Idol.
4. Meet Huey Lewis.
5. Start a wedding planning business.
6. Make a cake for Hok from Quest Crew.
7. Go to Australia.
8. Learn to play the guitar.
9. Take a picture with every "Welcome to (State)" sign, in all 50 states.
10. Have the wedding of my dreams.
11. Be a mommy.
12. Spend 3 weeks traveling around Europe.
13. Ride a burrow at the Grand Canyon.
14. Finish my family tree.
15. Live somewhere besides California.
16. Keep a plant alive for more than 3 days.
17. Finish a 5k.
18. Volunteer more.
19. Fly a kite.
20. Change the oil in my own car.
21. Learn how to play the Sex and the City jingle on the piano.
22. Cut my hair short, and work it.
23a. Go back to Hawaii and hula on stage at a luau.
23b. Wear a coconut bra.
24. Attend a live fashion show.
25. Audition for a show at the Music Circus downtown.
26. Visit Carlo's Bakery.
27. Get a backbone and start standing up for myself.
28. Learn to ride a motorcycle.
29. Finish one or any of the blankets that I've started to make.
30. Live happily ever after.

I don't really feel like these are unreasonable. But what will I do first?!


  1. we could use a volunteer in the youth group on wednesdays and sundays. and one of the kids could teach you guitar. =) that is a start right?

  2. i vote that you come visit me and we can take a welcome to CT, RI, NY, NJ pictures on our way to Carlo's Bakery. <3 Zillah

  3. Love this! I was just talking to Kevin about "things I have to do before I die". I think I may need to officially make a list just like you! And we have a few in common too!!
