Friday, May 3, 2013

Confession Wednesday is late this week.

To combine Flashback Friday with Confession Wednesday (since I'm late), I'm going to fill you in on a little blast-from-the-past facts about my life.  You know, just for funsies...a little "get to know Ali."

1. I used to be a lifeguard. And teach swim lessons.
2. I permed my hair once in 2008. I looked like a poodle, that looked like Richard Simmons.
3. At my heaviest, just over 2 years ago, I weighed 178 lbs. Yikes.
4. I took classical piano AND singing lessons as a teenager.
5. I am a huge sucker for Billy Joel and Huey Lewis. The obsession started at a ripe young age of 8 years old.
6. I was accepted to the Natomas Charter School of Performing Arts, and I turned it down.
7. I didn't go away to college so I could stay in town for a HS boyfriend. That didn't work out.
8. I ran a red light day I got my driver's license.
9. Ryan Bast was the only boy allowed in my room until.....well, even now.
10. I used to swallow my peas like asprin, without chewing it, because it made me gag.
11. I always dreaded the day when my brother would be bigger than me and could kick my ass in return for doing it to him. That day has come.
12. I didn't have my first kiss until high school. 
13. I had a spider bite on the inside of my leg that gave me a scar.
14. I used to know every word to The Lion King movie. I still might.
15. I always wanted more siblings.
16. I got suspended in 8th grade for telling a substitute teacher to F*** off. And then tried to lie about it.
17. I tipped over someone's motorcycle in high school and tried to lie about that. I got caught.
18. I was absolutely terrified of Y2K. 
19. I used to eat raw cookie dough bits out of the box when I worked at Leatherby's. I'd keep them in my apron. I was fat.
20. And last but not least, there was one day during Oak Hill's spirit squad practice when Erin Bacay (?) shoved me for absolutely no reason. I have no idea why she did it, other than maybe I was just standing too close to her, but I still think about that.

I'm off to celebrate my babe's birthday a little early. It's a big, busy weekend of traveling, packing, moving and unpacking.  I am excited, I am READY for 4 days off, and I cannot wait to move. Everyone have a great weekend, and stay safe out there!!!


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