Friday, January 25, 2013

Freaky Friday! - Job Update

A haiku for your Friday:

Do you hate your job?
Suck it up, 'cause we all do.
Happy Friday, Friends!

I really don't hate my job....anymore.  I go through spurts of discontent like everyone.  But when I stop to think about it, I have a pretty cushy life here.  I have amazing flexibility with my hours if I ever need to leave early, come in late, or split my day to take a 3-hour break in the middle.  My boss will randomly say, "You've been doing a great job.  Take your boyfriend out to dinner, up to $100 on the company credit card," or "Take the company card and go shopping."  Wonderful little bonuses.  

Yes, the CHRISTMAS bonus situation really pissed me off.  It's not that I was upset because I felt entitled to it, but I really felt like I had earned it.  I guess you have to be here and know everything to understand that.  I'm not a brat.  I don't expect bonuses.  But when you put up with some of the things I deal with, and when you go above and beyond the parameters of your job... I just really felt like it was deserved this year.  But aside from that issue, and aside from having to some of the personal family errands I get roped into...
my job is pretty great.

Most of you know that I had a 3rd interview with VSP last week for a Marketing/Event Coordinator position.  I felt like it was the worst interview I've ever had.  Ever.  I was in tears afterwards, feeling terribly defeated.  To my surprise, I was called for a 4th interview! After much deliberation and consideration, I respectfully declined the interview and decided to keep my current job.  I've been here for 3 years.  I have a great report with my clients, our wholesalers, and our staff here.  Why start over right now for less pay in a position that isn't even permanent?  Plus, I talked to my mortgage lender and he said that I wouldn't be able to secure my home loan if I weren't a permanent employee.  Since the house is priority #1, I had to let it go for now.  Once I'm settled into a house, I'll attempt VSP again.  

In other news...

It's Friday!  This weekend will be WAY more low-key than the last.  We're planning a bike ride (weather permitting) and/or gym sessions, date night tomorrow night, and Netflix movies.  The laundry is done and we have no errands to run, so I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend.  

As far as Fashion Friday is concerned, I've been doing really well at sticking to my NYR of wearing more colorful clothing.  Today I'm wearing basic black leggings and a black tank top, but with my caramel boots and a bright teal shrug sweater and a tan layered necklace.  Yesterday I wore a purple textured pencil skirt with a simple black sweater and plaid heels.  I should be taking better pictures, but this is the best I can do in  our office bathroom...

Have a great weekend, my friends. <3 
If anything new or exciting happens, I'll let you know!

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