Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hump Day Nightmare

I woke up this morning at 4:30 am, completely panicked and sweating from a ridiculous and terrifying nightmare.

Here's how it went...

I was standing with Brandon in front of our house, when we look up to see a terrorist organization parachuting down from a plane.  I have no idea how we knew they were terrorists, but we were certain.  We immediately got in the car and started driving around the neighborhood telling people to get their kids and get inside.  Lock the doors, close the blinds, and HIDE!!

Instead of getting the hell outta town like we should have, Brandon decided he wanted to be an investigator and try to find where they landed.  I started whining, knowing something was going to go wrong.  I suddenly had to pee REALLY bad, so we stopped at some kind of a park so I could use the bathroom.  

While I'm on the john, I hear someone come in and I feel like they're peeking into all the stalls.  My heart starts racing, and I freeze.  I can see through the cracks in the stalls that the man who was peeking in had locked the door, and he then started banging down the doors of the stalls and killing everyone on the crapper.

Ridiculous, huh?

Luckily, I forced myself awake before he could make it to my stall.  I woke up sweating, and afraid to go back to sleep.  I'm even afraid to use a public restroom now.  It's a silly dream, but not entirely impossible to have a small massacre in a bathroom.  With the way the world is turning right now, and all the horrible tragedies around the country, I wouldn't be surprised.  I might just think twice now before using a public restroom.  I can hold it....

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