Monday, February 11, 2013

Manic Monday: Phone down, eyes forward!

First things first: did anyone else watch the Grammy's?
Of course you did.
Did you notice that the camera man zoomed into Taylor Swift every time a man was on stage?
Of course you did.
Did you also catch onto the fact that she's checking out the spring lineup?  Planning her next album?
Of course you did.

That's all I wanted to point out about that.

Last week was absolutely terrible.  From Monday to Sunday.  Well, Friday and Saturday were cool.  But Monday through Thursday and definitely Sunday...all awful.  Today is a new start to a new week, and I'm determined to make it better.  I've started making offers on houses, I'm doing great at work today (considering it's a Monday), and I'm pretty sure my laundry will be done by the time I get home (Thanks babe!).  Overall, not a bad start to the week.

But one thing I've noticed today...

I had to go to WinCo at lunch to get a couple things for the office. 
(Crap, I forgot coffee creamer.)  
While walking through the parking lot, into and out of the store, and while walking around inside the store, I noticed countless people trying to push their carts, walk, hold conversations, pay for and bag their groceries, all with their phones in their hands.  One kid walked right into me, because he was texting instead of paying attention to what was in front of him.  I did purposely get in his way, but my point is that he could have side-stepped me had he noticed anything going on around him.  

Then I went to pick up some lunch, and I noticed a guy trying to fill his soda cup, also with his phone in his hand.  He wasn't in the middle of anything.  Just the home screen.  Dude...put your phone in your pocket and proceed with your beverage.

I understand that we have moved into the era of Technology.  It's everywhere.  There are smart phones, laptops, bluetooth technology, tablets, iPads, mp3 players, etc.  But the world around you still exists.  You still need to practice human interaction.  Have a real, face-to-face conversation.  Go poop without your smart phone one day this week.  I bet you $5 that you won't be in there very long.  How many times have you just sat on the toilet long after you're done handling your business, just playing on your phone?  We all do it, it's ok.  But don't let your life be consumed by this technology.  Put your phone away sometimes, and take a look at your surroundings.  Make eye contact with people, smile at them. 

And if you choose to accept my $5 poop-without-your-smartphone challenge, I can pay you in gum.  I'm trying to buy a house, I don't have cash lying around.

Until next time... <3

1 comment:

  1. hahaha thanks for the laugh! I make it a point to stay off my phone whenever I'm in a store (mainly because I loose train of thought very easily) but also because I'm sure the people in the store could give two shits about hearing my conversation. I also think it's super rude to be on a phone while checking out of a store. Put down your phone and engage in conversation or at least say hello, if that's not your style then shoot the cashier a smile. I completely agree with you, instead of posting or texting or talking to someone about what you're doing, put down your phone and actually DO IT! Do all that shit later!
